Friday, January 25, 2019

5A – Identifying Local Opportunities

1)New cruise ships need thousands of workers. Here's how companies fill those jobs


* The cruise line industry has been growing a lot these days. The story also states how many cruise lines are recruiting crew members for their ships and how they may differ from each other.

*The problem in this story is the need to hire a lot of people and need to train them as well.

*The different cruise lines have the problem of filling these jobs with competent new hires

2)How CEOs' companies are trying - to attract 'Generation Z'

* Experts in the healthcare industry are trying to figure out Gen. Z and how they enjoy getting their information and services both in and out of healthcare.

*The problem in this story is the need to know how our younger generations function in everyday life and in terms of their healthcare.

* CEOs and other experts have this problem of understanding younger generations.

3)Kidney transplant program hit a wall - Too few patients, staffing issues doomed institute

* Southwest Florida attempted to open a organ transplant program again, but with many issue that were brought up, such as staff conflict and service quality, they had to shut down the program.

* The problem in this story is that now Tampa is the closest place to attempt to get a transplant for certain organs in Southwest Florida.

* People in need of transplants have the problem of a closer chance of getting a transplant.

4) Worker dies in Bonita construction site accident

* In Bonita, there was an accident at a construction site involving a dump truck and a man died.

* The problem in this story is that there may have not been enough precautions put in place at the construction site for this to not to happen.

* The people who work in construction and those who provide the safety guidelines.

5)Recalls of romaine, Goldfish are tip of the contamination iceberg


* There has been an increasing amount of disease outbreaks in foods. People are discussing the reasons why this is happening .

* The problem is the lack of food contamination regulations put in play

* The government has the problem of not place correct safety regulation.

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