Friday, March 22, 2019

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1.) I have some contracts here and there who can help me explain some things and possible help me bring my idea into fruition.

2.) Offering an alternative to people who are tired of paying for testing strips for diabetes testing and don't want to pay for expensive constant monitors, while saving the planet. A reusable strip for testing blood sugar that can be sanitized and used again.With this new strip you be able to get accurate. It would be shaped like the thermometers that children stick in their mouths or under the arm. The strip itself would be able to be removed. The meter would be able to read the normal things a glucose meter would be able to read, along with whether the blood-glucose level is fine or not.

3.) Diabetics from any age group, who can prick themselves and would like an alternative to using paper strips or those with continuous glucose monitors who want to save some money and extra doctor's visits.

4.) Throughout a year, a diabetic can spend quite a bit of money for quality blood sugar test strips, so this change can reduce the amount of strips they could use throughout their life, as diabetes is a lifetime challenge. This will also help the planet, as the used strips can not be recycled due to the bio hazard, so they will end up going to a landfill.

5.) It has never been done before and it will definitely spice up the market that these big blood-glucose testing strip companies have had for a while. Even though curve for entering a market would be quite steep, it would be possible to with some work to get an edge on the market while to try to come up with a similar product.

I do think that most of the elements that I have available fit together, other than the part with what I can bring to the table. I do think that with some networking and such I could build some more reliable and useful connections to really tie everything together and possibly make it easier to get such a product to market.

The main point that was made from feedback was to go into depth a bit more about the product. The feedback also included some good ideas to add to the design of the product.

1 comment:

  1. Nicholas,

    Your post was straight to the point yet informative. You make it clear to the audience you have a vision and that you have resources to accomplish it. My dads diabetic so i found your post really interesting and definitely a product worth peoples time.
