Friday, April 19, 2019

30A – Final Reflection

1.There were many moments of dread, because I could find the right people for certain assignments, or they were taking too long to answer back. I did enjoy making the connections with people and reading others feedback and their ideas.

2. I will definitely remember reading the books, they were actually interesting, unlike many books we would be assigned during high school or other classes.

3. I do think myself as more of an entrepreneur. Of course that there are things that I would still need to hone in, but I do think that the fundamentals for this mindset are there and ready.

4. I would definitely try and finish the assignments earlier in the week, or at least read the assignments and then have it mulling over in your head until you get a great idea on where to go from there. I would recommend being very open to criticism and also to new ideas that you may not be in your comfort zone.
Image result for mindset

Friday, April 12, 2019

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

I read The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, Guy Kawasaki

1)  The general theme or argument of the book was to teach how to have your company use social media to get in touch with your consumers. This book teaches you how to navigate many of the big social media outlets like Facebook, the now extinct Google hangouts, and others.

2) The book really showed how to get to your market audience and how to use social media to retain them by showing them that you are on the ball when it comes to have easy to use and modern ways to let them connect with your company.

3) I would definitely design an exercise involving creating a fake social media account for our companies or services and classmates try to get hold of us through that by doing the peer reviews of the exercise through there instead of through these blogs.

4) I was surprised that they weren't just saying things like this is what we think would be smart to do, they were stating their experiences they have had while using social media for themselves or for jobs they have had. I found that interesting because its not a how to book, but a retelling of what they found out. I also found it interesting that once you have really created pages that you plan on using, you can check them by going into an incognito window and check out the page to see how it looks and feels.

26A – Celebrating Failure

* I have failed multiple times this semester to wake up to my alarm when i have wanted to go do something important, like grocery shopping or laundry. I would set the alarm the morning before, and then end up staying up late for whatever reason, then wake up to the alarm, then look at my phone for like ten minutes and then fall back asleep, until like noon-ish.

*I learned that I should really try not to stay up super late, at least not all the time, because it is bound to happen again and it messes with my sleep schedule.

*Failure is very difficult, because it can bring you down and it can be hard to recover from it if it really hits you hard. But with the books that I have read here in class and seeing what exactly needs to be done to use failure to your advantage and learn from it. I wouldn't say I am more likely to risk now, I am just more aware about what I can expect if I fail at something.

Friday, April 5, 2019

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

* I have a contact in the same industry who can help me find suppliers
Valuable: very valuable as I can get started on finding companies that can build me parts to get.
Rare: It is not very rare
Imitable: There are probably many companies who have steadfast suppliers.

* I have a friend who can help science things up for the product
Valuable: it is not valuable, but useful to help figure out the kinks in the science part of it.
Rare: It is not that rare.
Imitable: Theres always companies that have their own science people to help them.

* I have experience with serving and communicating with customers
Valuable: Very valuable, as not everyone can deal with or communicate their thoughts to consumers correctly.
Rare: it is not that rare
Imitable: Theres most likely a whole department for people that are able to do this for large companies.

* I know people close to me who would be in the market for the item.
Valuable: It is valuable to have some people who would be able to rep the product and initially buy it.
Rare: It is not rare
Imitable: Theres a large chance most people that know the companies will use the product if it applies to them.

* This idea for the product
Valuable: it is very valuable because getting a head start can help the company grow enough to where main competitors are.
Rare: it can be rare
Imitable: It can be imitable, but I would have some time

*Having people who want to save the earth
Valuable: it is valuable because having people spread the word to people in my market is important
Rare: it is uncommon
Imitable: I mean it can be copied if similar products were made with less waste.

*My perseverance
Valuable: Someone who wants to be successful need to be able to persist through all problems
 Rare: It can be, compare to people who give up easily
Imitable: This can be copied

*Being able to competitively price items
Valuable: It is valuable to be able to price things correctly
Rare: it can be rare to not find products that are competitively price
Imitable: Prices can always be copied

*I have many people who have diabetes and are interested in the product
Valuable: It is valuable to have people looking for better options
Rare: It can be rare to personally know or find people willing to buy your product
Imitable: It can be copied if you hype people well enough

* I have many medical professionals who think that this is a very plausible
Valuable: It is valuable because I can possibly
Rare: It is not very rare to have other successful people think that your item is interesting
Imitable: It can be copied

My top resource would probably be the uniqueness of the product. Be able to surprise the market with a good product is a double-edge blade. I can surprise the big companies that control the diabetes market, but also releasing it without much hype can also hurt the growth of the product.

I would hopefully be able to get many people to see how this product can help the planet and people.