Friday, February 15, 2019

12A – Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1.) people who like to watch their blood sugar, want to save money, want to save the planet, with both types of diabetes.
2.) Person 1: Using strips is super cumbersome. I don't know why they cost so much with a prescription. They are also so annoying to get at the pharmacy. I do think if a reusable one would work better, but I can see it being useful and being less expensive, which would be nice.

Person2. I do like to be with more money, so less strips to buy would be refreshing.  I do like how this technology can help advance the products that are able to help diabetics. I do think that strips can be expensive, though my insurance pays for most of it. So this should be interesting to see if you see this through.

Person3: I personally use the continual insulin device, so its attached to my body most of the time. This is very different then using strips, but its still very expensive to change the sensors and they are a pain in the butt to carry around than using strips. I can see just carry a single device being very convenient and i don't mind pricking myself instead of the constant tube sticking out of me.

3.) Students who have diabetes could benefit from this so they don't have to be super poor when buying strips. Many people are always very environment conscience. This could be the difference that they need to feel like they really are doing a difference in the world.
4.)They start googling about similar items, but they don't seem to want to buy those continuous devices with the tubes and then the other ones are very inaccurate.
5.) From what I have learned in the interview, the need they have is to save money from these accurate, but expensive strips. The other need they have is to see not use that many small pieces of paper to just to bleed onto them and they just get thrown away.
6.) I would decide that people need to be old enough to know that money can be tight sometimes and that this illness is for life and that if the recycle aspect doesn't help, then there wouldn't be too much of a market for my item, other than to make them less expensive and give people more choice than what is available online and in store.

1 comment:

  1. I thought your choice on Diabetes was interesting. It is such a major illness in our country that a lot of people must deal with. The fees for this are usually high for the medication and such that it adds up. Your interviews were nice because you had one that people that used strips and one person that used the continual insulin device. It gave a variety instead of just only strips. I like the idea but it does revolve around the knowledge in the importance of recycling with consumers.
